Monday, May 31, 2010

A Typical Weekend For Me

A man who has been branded as workaholic is usually a man who does nothing other than work on the weekdays but i don't think his weekends would be so boring :-)

yes weekend is when i try to relax and have some fun.

Perfect recipe for a good weekend is venturing out on Saturday and being lazy on a Sunday.

I would prefer every weekend to be a perfect dish with the above ingredients. If it happens..this is how it goes..

Getting up early in the morning may be around 8:00(mind you..this is after closing shop around 4-5 on friday(saturday morning)

Making it to the movie barely on time with just stuffing a piece of whatever grandma feeds and a full glass of milk going full throttle into the tummy.

Watch the movie with a small nap in between :-)

buy some pop corn and tons of Cola in the interval..

Go out for lunch to some chinese/pizza/north Indian and crib saying Idly sambhar is what i should have had and this restaurant sucks..

Window Shopping..

Sankey Tank .. have ice cream and Corn (Jola) before entering..Enjoying the nature at Sankey tank..Talking everything under the sun which makes sense and some not..

Passing the ball among friends to decide the place for early dinner..End up going to a couple of places since there never is an unanimous choice..

Hit the Cd some old movies and some new ones..Watch one of the movies and simultaneously read the book..Yes i don't like doing one thing at a time..

Sleep around 2-3 after parents try all methods from sweet words to scolding to put me to sleep..

Sunday get up around 1-2..

Have brunch..

Go back to sleep with either music or movie on lappy..

Get up and take bath around 5-6..

Just go out for a walk around and have some chats..

Come back..Have dinner.. wake up to another workaholic week..

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