Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Convocation!!!A memorable Day

Yes writing a post after quite a long while..Work kept me at bay..

Convocation...A day which marks the success of a graduate.Yes on my induction the day i looked forward was the convocation..What a long and memorable journey it has been..i almost remember every moment of it..yeah induction was on 20th september 2003 and convocation 19th january 2008..a journey which prepares you to make a smooth transition from a student to a professional....
First year just went by getting into the groove of engg..made friends..wrote lots of internals and then exams..second year was fun..internals and extra classes had become a routine..we had got used to friends and having fun was what we did for the rest of engg..sleeping and talking in class was the best way to while away time..numerous games get invented amidst the 4 walls of a classroom and inspiration of course would be boring lectures and encouraging classmates..there would be that petty differences among gangs and those never ending competition among toppers and of course the ever enjoying last what fun college is...bringing mobile to class and hiding it from teachers..having food during lectures..planning a mass bunk numerous times...

all this wouldn't have happened so memorable if not for the friends who r with u at all times..we would miss them badly..of course very badly..spending most of the day with those ppl for 4 years and suddenly u won't find them for months or years and some may be never..memories are what we can cherish but can never re live them...

convocation is when you feel happy for becoming a graduate but at the same time it hurts to say good bye to college and all those friends who have made the college life cherish able..

All the best to all you ppl..

1 comment:

s said...

Hey this blog literally made me cry man college life was something that rocked
everyday from 9 am to 6 pm u spend with ur friend
talking fighting teasing debating doing pranks and some times may be attending class.
Troubling teachers in class.
studying just b4 internals
Arguing with teachers for each and every mark

So basically it was just fun we had for like 4 years. And one fine day u come to know that u no longer will see those faces every single day
no longer will wou be able to spend such quality time with them. you might even meet them after years

its right there in front of you and the next minute VRROOOM it's gone......

I would like to mention a couple of songs with reminds me of those good old memories

"Purani jeans" by Ali Haider and
"Yaaron" by KK

We are left those memories to cherish throughout our lives